AI – The Real-ity Check

Gautam Awasthi
1 min readApr 5, 2019

Artificial Intelligence or Machine Intelligence or even routed concepts of Computer Vision aims at marrying Data with Insights for recommendations or actions.

The Real-ity Check:

While the data part of the story has seen some substantial innovation and evolution, the Insights are still primitive to even attempt a good recommendation, let alone an action. While on one side it makes me laugh to think about AI-engineered suggestions of ‘Office-Politics’ when what I want to learn about is actually ‘team-dynamics’(that’s one twisted Insights algorithm I must say), on the other hand it scares me to think about road-safety when a similar algorithm is at-play in self-driving cars.


Insights are best drawn by a human mind which goes beyond data alone in recommending the actions.

So, Is AI or Computer Vision bad? Absolutely not, and it has its place in augmenting a better liveable world. It’s just that the world need to be Re-engineered a bit to make Enviröns for these techs to play alongside humans and that may not be a force-fit as may be attempted today.

More on it soon…..

